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2019-09-23 13:39:14 4633 人想要
上海KTV招聘-上海夜场招聘-上海夜总会招聘模特美女 应聘须知:身高158-170以上、五官端正、漂亮可​‌‌​‌‌​‌‌爱、活波开朗。 1.无任何费用,无押金,当天安排上班。 2.公司提供员工宿舍,两人间,如需安排提前预约。 3.面试只需携高跟鞋,好好化妆精心打扮即可。 4.生意好不好待遇高不高欢迎各位应聘者来考察考察再打电话面试 5.给自己一次机会了解也给我们一次机会了解你 。 有意者看上方数字微训,详细咨询,男士勿扰,鸽子女勿扰,谢谢 The company's humanized management is considerate for every employee. All the colleagues from all over the world are very friendly, and you join them. They will take care of each other. So you don't have to worry about coming to a strange environment without warmth. If you are confused about your job and don't know how to choose, join us. It will definitely change your other life. What are you hesitating? As long as you are young and want to make money, join it quickly!(https://www.yeczj.com/)
