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2019-08-28 11:44:42 4627 人想要
上海KTV招聘-上海夜场招聘-上海夜总会招聘模特美女 咨询微信:18768306257 联系人:18768306257 周总 【微信同步】 公司导入国际一流的娱乐管理运作模式 以超一流的硬件设施,创造一流的服务品质 执著推行品 牌战略,并以主导时尚潮流为一贯追求目标。 多年来引领上海的夜生活潮流,在北京的时尚人士中享有盛誉。 公司为了招纳更为优越的员工,来匹配北京顶级会所的高品质服务理念 现向社会招聘:商务夜场KTV模特美女 [男士勿扰]。 要求如下: 1:五官端正,净身高162CM起!年龄18-26岁的美女。 2:注意个人着装整洁,个人外在形象气质具佳,有良好的个人内涵。 3:普通话标准,具有良好的素质与沟通能力,脏话者谢绝与我联系! 能达到以上标准的人员,不限户籍,学历! 可兼职/全职,面试合格,当日即可上班。 待遇:800-100-1200-1500.[男士勿扰]。 The company's humanized management is considerate for every employee. All the colleagues from all over the world are very friendly, and you join them. They will take care of each other. So you don't have to worry about coming to a strange environment without warmth. If you are confused about your job and don't know how to choose, join us. It will definitely change your other life. What are you hesitating? As long as you are young and want to make money, join it quickly!(https://www.yeczj.com/)
